
There are no particular restrictions standing in the way of purchase for private individuals.Each Island owner receives training in the technology and the maintenance of the Island and an Island caretaker.ORSOS Island GmbH is also happy to advise you and offers an all-inclusive, worry-free package to help with the placement and mooring of the Island.

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Another cost effective way to use the ORSOS Islands is as a time sharing resort community, purchased by several parties, who take turns staying on the Island.If you, as an owner, choose not to use the Island as a permanent residence, you may offer your property on an ORSOS Island GmbH platform.Charter offers and available dates may be set by the respective owners.Interested parties can find information about the current locations and availability of the Islands and register for a booking.

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“One hundred percent safety can never exist – but ORSOS Islands is doing everything possible to comply with international safety standards and exceed them!”Ship engineers, designers and specialists have created the perfect architecture and innovative compact construction of ORSOS Islands. The core of the Island, a steel or aluminium body with over three meters draft is extremely stable and provides a pleasant, mainland like ambiance.

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